The Plot, 2024 – ongoing

Online and IRL

The Plot is a fictionalised parcel of land, a garden of sorts, an imaginary outdoor space, that explores social, political and personal landscapes of gardening and cultures of growing.

The Plot is a hybrid space between real life, the virtual and the imaginary that explores the expansive realms of the “garden” as a liminal space between the personal and the public wilds. Centering on cycles of growth, seasonalities, climate resilience, environments, land-practices, permacultures and interrelations of living beings.

Coalescing in the form of a virtual map The Plot consists of different allegorical areas such as a walled garden, greenhouse, veg bed, poisonous plot, seed bank, pocket forest, compost heap etc.  Each area an artwork in its own right; that may take the form of augmented realities, bodies of research, artist collaborations, drawings, documentation of IRL activities or events.

The Plot is something like a publishing platform: a space for collaboration, conversation, co-production and commoning. A space to visit – as any garden is visited – to explore and discover, to encounter the unexpected: the magical and molecular, the sacred and stinky, the fetid and fecund, the dirt and dirty, the birds and bees.

TOP IMAGE: Laura Eldret, Foreesd Layiees. WIP installed at Flat Time House part of Constellations, 2023.

The Plot was imagined with supported from a-n artist bursary 2023.